Outdoor setups are permitted all 12 months of the
year. However, outdoor setups during the summer
(June-August) MUST be under a covered area such as a
patio or pavilion. If no covered area is available for
setup, you must rent or supply canopy/tent coverage
for your event. If supplying your own canopy, it must
be set up before we arrive to set up your event. If no
canopy is set up upon arrival, mandatory rental of our
canopy will be required or setup of your event will be
refused. This policy is in place for the safety of
your little ones, as the soft play equipment becomes
very hot in direct sunlight. Shade from trees is NOT
permitted as suitable coverage due to potential damage
to the equipment from pollen, dirt and leaves.
Outdoor setups must be on a flat, dry space. Grass,
concrete, wood decking, and pavers are permitted. We
do not set up on dirt, gravel, mulch, sand or
slopes/inclines. Please ensure that there is a clear
pathway to the setup area (at least a 5-ft opening in
any gates or walkways to the outdoor setup area). The
setup area should be cleared of ant piles, pet waste,
and furniture prior to our arrival. We do not
rearrange furniture or pick up waste and will not set
up under these circumstances.